Four centers
- Orthocenter H - altitudes - Orthic Triangle
- Centroid G - Medians - Medial Triangle
- Incenter I - Incircle - Inradius
- Circumcenter O - Circumcircle - Circumradius
Notations and Conventions
- semiperimeter of $\triangle{ABC}$: $s=\dfrac{1}{2}(a+b+c)$
- $[P_1P_2…P_n]$: area of polygon $P_1P_2…P_n$, $[ABC]$: area of $\triangle{ABC}$
- $(P_1P_2…P_n)$: the circle of cyclic points $P_1, P_2,…,P_n$
- $\measuredangle$: directed angle
- $\overline{AB}$: segmant $AB$ or line $AB$
- $\overline{AB} \cap \overline{CD}$: intersection of two lines $AB$ and $CD$
- $\displaystyle \sum_{cyc}{f(a.b.c)} = f(a,b,c)+f(b,c,a)+f(c,a,b)$
Part 1 Fundamentals
Chapter 1 - Angle Chasing
Inscribed Angle Theorem
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NEXTDecember 2021